Ever have one of those days where everything just clicks? I have.
I simply feel great on these days. Things move slowly but quickly if that makes any sense. I slow down for conversations. Yet the day flies by. I am truly helping people, listening well, and making real progress toward goals. In short, making a difference.
I feel like people get the “good me” on days like these; a version of myself I really like.
Don’t get me wrong. There are “not-so-good-me” days when I wonder if I really accomplished anything or helped anyone at all. I showed up, ran from meeting to meeting, fought some fires, and went home. So frustrating.
The mind/body/spirit alignment is real. Get enough sleep. Eat healthy foods and drink a ton of water. Exercise. Be grateful and faithful.
Our business world rewards quick thinking and box-checking. But speed can kill. Slowing down allows space to listen and think, two super important things we need from our leaders.
Leave room on the calendar and the door open for someone who might simply need to talk or work out a problem in real time.
I am so clearly a work in progress on all three of these things. But I’m trying.
A ready attitude can turn an ordinary day into an extraordinary one, where both morale and productivity soar. Simple acts of kindness, a willingness to listen and encourage, and a cheerful demeanor all contribute to a supportive, winning environment where people feel valued and empowered to do their best work. Put yourself in the position to do these things.
“Good me” days are there for us if we just prepare for them…and then grab them. I’m striving for the days where my planning, training, and attitude will overpower even the weirdest, hardest, frustrating things the day might throw at me. We can all get there one positive interaction at a time.